Sunday, May 1, 2016

~ understand through compassion or you misunderstand the times :::::::

“Understand through compassion or you misunderstand the times.”
        ~Yogi Bhajan

The sutra above is one of 5 that Yogi Bhajan shared with us to guide us through the Aquarian age. This year, 2016, the global sadhana (practice) is devoted to this sutra, the 4th sutra.

Clearly, this sutra is incredibly timely. From the degradation of earth and atmosphere to the unending flow of Syrian refugees, from the debacle of American politics to North Carolina’s recent House Bill 2, compassion is our only way forward.

To be compassionate is to allow our minds to be guided by our hearts, to allow our perspective to be ever informed by love. If it were as easy to practice as it is to write, the world would be a profoundly different place. As it is, the practice of compassion involves serious commitment, a relationship between head and heart and reconciliation between thought and deed.

This sutra is a bridge, a channel from what we have been to what we must be if we are to be the light. Compassion implies a singular relating to a whole, a core way of being, and a constant remembrance. Committing to compassion means that we will bow our head to our heart in any given situation so that our heart may rule.

To live this sutra, to take the guidance of this sutra is to experience oneness. Join me for our next curriculum, a 9 week series to support body, mind and soul in perceiving another way to be, another way to relate, to ourselves, each other and the world.

Offered: Mondays 10:00 am & Thursdays 7:00 pm at Asheville Yoga Center and Fridays 8:45 am at West Asheville Yoga Center.

Week 1: 5/2, 5, 6     Pituitary & the neurobiology of Compassion
Week 2: 5/9, 12, 13         The Sun shines on all of us
Week 3: 5/16, 19, 20       This body is beautiful
Week 4: 5/23, 26, 27       Apana & the art of letting go
Week 5: 5/30, 6/2, 3       Release, no room for fear
Week 6: 6/6, 9, 10           Balance, as Compassion
Week 7: 6/13, 16, 17       Synchronization, as Compassion
Week 8: 6/20, 23, 24       The head & the heart
Week 9: 6/27, 30 7/1      Infinity is a foundation

Come or don’t come ~ no need to RSVP ~ there is always room for you, always space held with love. It is an honor & a privilege to share these teachings.

Always with so much love, Sierra